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The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

• Код: 4958585 в наличии • Штрихкод: 9781472120038

T с кодом товара 4958585 из серии "Mammoth Books" производства "Robinson" можно купить у нас по цене 2683 рубля в Чусовом. The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu цветом зеленый имеет размеры в высоту 3 см, в ширину 12.6 см и весом 0.34 кг. Книга от автора Hodge Brian с кодом 4958585 промаркировано штрих-кодом 9781472120038 с книжным номером 9781472120038 (год выхода книги 2016 г) на 476 страниц.

The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

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Фотографии The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

Описание The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

An all-new collection of thrilling new weird fiction inspired by H. P. Lovecraft'
s creations
For more than 80 years H. P. Lovecraft has inspired writers of horror and supernatural fiction with his dark vision of humankind'
s insignificant place in a vast, uncaring cosmos. At the time of his death in 1937, Lovecraft was virtually unknown, but from early cult status his readership expanded exponentially;
his nightmarish visions laying down roots in the collective imagination of his readers. Now this master of the macabre is accepted as part of the literary mainstream, as an American author of note, and the impact of his work on modern popular culture - in literature, film, television, music, the graphic arts, gaming and theatre - has been profound. As Stephen King wrote in Danse Macabre, the shadow of H. P. Lovecraft '
underlies almost all of the important horror fiction that has come since.'

Today, Lovecraft'
s themes of cosmic indifference, the utter insignificance of humankind, minds invaded by the alien, and the horrors of history remain not only viable motifs for modern speculative fiction, but are more relevant than ever as we explore the mysteries of a universe in which our planet is infinitesimal.
This outstanding anthology of original stories - from both established award-winning authors and exciting new voices - collects tales of cosmic horror inspired by Lovecraft from authors who do not merely imitate, but reimagine, re-energize, and renew the best of his concepts in ways relevant to today'
s readers, to create fresh new fiction that explores our modern fears and nightmares. From the depths of R'
lyeh to the heights of the Mountains of Madness, some of today'
s best weird fiction writers traverse terrain created by Lovecraft and create new eldritch geographies to explore . . .
With stories by: Laird Barron, Nadia Bulkin, Amanda Downum, Ruthanna Emrys, Richard Gavin, Lois H. Gresh, Lisa L. Hannett, Brian Hodge, Caitlin R. Kiernan, John Langan, Yoon Ha Lee, Usman T. Malik, Helen Marshall, Silvia Moreno, Norman Partridge, W. H. Pugmire, Veronica Schanoes, Michael Shea, John Shirley, Simon Strantzas, Sandra McDonald, Damien Angelica Walters, Don Webb, Michael Wehunt and A.C. Wise

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Характеристики The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction
340 г
Дата выпуска
Количество страниц
Складской остаток
3 шт.
Код товара
Дата добавления
Дата и время проверки
31.05.2024 / 10:06
Дата и время обновления
24.05.2024 / 02:53
Минимальная поставка
1 шт.

Содержание The Mammoth Book of Cthulhu. New Lovecraftian Fiction

Introduction: Who, What, When, Where,
Why. ..
Paula Guran vii
"In Syllables of Elder Seas" Lisa L. Hannett
"The Peddler'
s Tale, or, Isobel'
s Revenge" Caitlin R.
s All the Same Road in the End" Brian Hodge
"Caro in Carno" Helen Marshall
"The Cthulhu Navy Wife" Sandra McDonald
"Those Who Watch'
Ruth anna Emrys
"A Clutch" Laird Barron
"Just Beyond the Trailer Park" John Shirley
"The Sea Inside" Amanda Downum
"Outside the House, Watching for the Crows" John
"Alexandra Lost"
Simon Strantzas
"Falcon-and-Sparrows" Yoon Ha Lee
"A Shadow of Thine Own Design" W H. Pugmire
"Backbite" Norman Partridge
"In the Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro" Usman T. Malik
"Legacy of Salt" Silvia Moreno-Garcia
"I Do Not Count the Hours" Michael Wehunt
"An Open Letter to Mister Edgar Allan Poe, from a
Fervent Admirer"
Michael Shea
"I Dress My Lover in Yellow" A. C. Wise
"Deep Eden" Richard Gavin
"The Future Eats Everything" Don Webb
"I Believe That We Will Win" Nadia Bulkin
"In the Sacred Cave" Lois H. Gresh
Damien Angelica Walters
"Variations on Lovecraftian Themes" Veronica

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